
The Importance of Social Connectedness in Building Age-Friendly Communities

The purpose of this paper is to further elucidate the importance of social relationships and social connectedness with aging in place and in developing elder-friendly communities.

Survival Strategies of Homeless Men: Home, Scavenging, Work and Welfare in Tokyo, Japan

This research is about older men and homelessness in Japan. It is a story of their survival and neglect. It describes their homes, both past and current, their lives, and their endurance on the street. It is about making a living when you do not have a home.

Supported housing for older people in the UK: An evidence review

This UK-wide review examines the quality of life that sheltered and retirement housing offers older tenants and owner-occupiers, especially those with high support needs.

Understanding single older women's invisibility in housing issues in Australia

Abstract This paper examines the available literature on single older non-home owning women in Australia and their housing issues. Preliminary information suggests that this subset of the population is increasingly at risk of becoming homeless or inadequately housed in later life. In fact, there is a historical dearth of research on women’s housing in general.

Health, Wellbeing, and the Older People Housing Agenda

This paper is aimed primarily at Health and Wellbeing Board members and seeks to support them in their understanding of: • The impact of poor housing on the health and wellbeing outcomes of older people. • The strategic approaches they can take to influence the provision of housing and housing related services to improve the health and wellbeing of their older population.

Homelessness and older Australians: scoping the issues

This report is written in the context of the Australian Government’s long-term goals of halving overall homelessness and offering supported accommodation to all rough sleepers who need assistance by 2020. It focuses on the implications of these goals for one specific demographic group, older Australians.

Senior Care in China: Challenges and Opportunities

In 2012, China’s National Bureau of Statistics announced that China now has roughly 185 million people over the age of 60. A 2007 study by the United Nations estimated that in 2005 there were 16 retired people in China to every 100 workers. The study projected that this ratio will reach 64 elderly for every 100 workers by 2025.

Ending Homelessness - A Housing-Led Approach

The Programme for Government 2011, contains a commitment to ending long term homelessness and the need to sleep rough by implementing a ‘housing first’ approach and to strengthen preventative services.

Housing as a Platform for Improving Outcomes for Older Renters

This paper focuses on low-income older renters and how housing can provide a platform for supporting their independence and well-being.The paper: - provides context for the important role of housing and neighborhoods in supporting independence for older Americans generally and low-income older renters in particular -presents a conceptual framework for the pathways between the housing and servic

Housing Jamaica's Ageing Population

Jamaica's downward trend in the population growth, combined with an upward trend in the aged proportion of the population, forces one to examine the implications for the country's housing and infrastructure development. While the declining population growth suggests a downward pressure on the housing deficit and perhaps a lessening of the challenge for planning and infrastructure develo
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