Social Housing

Housing affordability in retirement: current and future issues

This presentation looks at ways in which the issue of housing affordability in retirement can be addressed in Australia.

Homeless in Paris: The Darker Side of the City of Light

Official statistics from 2012 put the number of people living without shelter in France at 141,500, an increase of 44% since 2001. Broadly speaking, homelessness is a middle-aged problem. Almost half of people living on the street are between the ages of 30 and 49, compared with 26% of people over 18 and 25% over 50.

New Zealand not 'catching up' to social housing needs

The Salvation Army estimates New Zealand needs to build a minimum of 2000 social houses a year for at least the next decade just to meet demand. The country's social housing stock needs to grow from 82,000 to more than 100,000 in the next decade. Another 2000 a year was the bare minimum that needed to be constructed and half of those were needed in Auckland.

'We're so far behind': Canada unprepared for housing needs of rising senior population

As the number of seniors continues to grow, experts say Canada is failing to prepare for the housing and home care needs of an aging population. Statistics Canada 2016 census figures revealed that the country recorded its greatest increase in the proportion of seniors. This increase will have implications on future policy making, in particular the housing needs of the elderly.

Projected Demand for Supported Housing in Great Britain 2015 - 2030

This paper presents projections prepared for the Department of Communities and Local Government and the Department of Health of demand for supported housing for older people and younger adults in Great Britain to 2030 and associated future expenditure.

For renters, making housing more affordable is just the start

For renting to become a truly viable, long-term alternative to home ownership, greater rental affordability and security are needed. Longer-term structural changes to tackle housing affordability, including boosting the supply of social housing and increasing tenure diversity, will be essential.

Ageing and Homelessness: Solutions for a growing problem

An ageing population and growing levels of housing stress will increase the number of people at risk of ageing in to homelessness. One in six people aged over 55 who received help from a homelessness service reported having financial difficulties. Appropriate housing that is truly affordable is a key part of the solution.

Older Women's Studio Development Project

The aim of the project was to explore whether the model of smaller accommodation was suitable for housing homeless older women in the inner and middle ring communities of Sydney. It was designed to be carried out in two stages. Stage 1 engaged older women in co-designing smaller spaces that would work for them as long-term homes.

Reframing Social Housing: financing and tenant autonomy

Housing affordability is a key issue for many Australians. While the focus is often on affordability for existing and prospective home owners, it is also a significant issue for many renters. About 31% of Australian households are renting. Rental housing is broadly in two categories: private and social.

Sensible reform to finance affordable housing deserves cross-party support

Like Australia, the UK has a serious problem with housing affordability and supply, made worse by policy and market settings that fuel instability in rental housing.
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