Journal Article

Aging in Place: Facilitating Choice and Independence

The paper looks at the ageing population in the US and what strategies are being considered to address the housing issues experienced by this cohort. A combination of demographic and economic shifts is creating a large and growing need for affordable and age-appropriate housing opportunities. Most seniors would prefer to age in place; home modifications are critical to this process, but the cos

Financial abuse of older people by family members: Views and experiences of older Australians and their family members

Research indicates that the most commonly reported form of abuse of older people in Australia is financial abuse and the majority of perpetrators are family members. The number of people aged 65 years and over in Australia is growing rapidly and the challenges of aging often require support and assistance from family members, so it is important to develop strategies to prevent this form of abuse.

Aging in Place in the Village — Social Work Roles Shine

The Older Americans Act of 1965 was intended to address the long term care needs of older adults and provide opportunities to remain meaningfully engaged in community life as one ages. However, gaps and fragmentation in long term services leave many without adequate support to remain independent.

Prevalence of Homeless Older Adults and Factors Causing Their Homelessness: A Review

Objectives: To examine the prevalence of homeless older adults and causes of homelessness among the elderly. Methods: Systematic review involving search of Medline, Cochrane Review and GoogleScholar, including homeless, homelessness, elder, elderly, aged and in old age. For prevalence, articles before 2000 were excluded, and samples had to be at least 50 ±5 years of age.

Why Do People Move to Cohousing Communities in Sweden? - Are there any Significant Differences Between the +40 Cohousing and the Mixed-Age Cohousing?

This research aims to investigate the motivation of moving to cohousing communities in Sweden, and to find out if there are any significant differences according to two different cohousing types; between the +40 cohousing and the mixed-age cohousing. Notable differences in demographic and dwelling variables are found between the two groups.

Places That Matter: Place Attachment and Wellbeing of Older Antillean Migrants in the Netherlands

It has been argued that attachment to place increases wellbeing in old age. Feeling ‘in place’ can increase an older person’s wellbeing. For older migrants it can be a challenge to live in-between cultures. The objective of the article is to explore how older Antillean migrants derive a sense of wellbeing from attachment to their everyday places.

Ageing in urban environments: Developing ‘age-friendly’ cities

This article aims to provide a critical perspective on what has been termed ‘age-friendly cities’ by shifting the focus from questions such as ‘What is an ideal city for older people?’ to the question of ‘How age friendly are cities?’ This approach might be more suited to deal with the complexities of cities as sites of interlocking and conflicting commercial, social, and political interests.

Understanding single older women's invisibility in housing issues in Australia

Abstract This paper examines the available literature on single older non-home owning women in Australia and their housing issues. Preliminary information suggests that this subset of the population is increasingly at risk of becoming homeless or inadequately housed in later life. In fact, there is a historical dearth of research on women’s housing in general.

Loneliness and the exchange of social support among older adults in Spain and the Netherlands

Previous research has shown that exchanges of support within social networks reduce the loneliness of older adults.
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