Research Paper

The Utilization of Home Care by the Elderly in Brazil's Primary Health Care System

The aging of the population represents a challenge to governments around the world, which are faced with the task of designing and implementing national strategies for elderly care, including improving primary health care through home health care systems and social networks.

Open For Inspection? Private rental stress in the Eastern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne

This research study was designed to explore the issues that relate to private rental and people on a low income using three sources for data collection: • A review of the literature and policy environment surrounding private rental in Australia and Victoria • A collection of quantitative data from service providers and government agencies. • Interviews to explore the experiences of individuals, se

Ending Homelessness among Older Adults and Elders through Permanent Supportive Housing

The combination of issues typically associated with homelessness such as mental health and substance abuse with those related to aging such as reduced mobility and a need for assistance with daily activities is requiring that elder housing and services providers develop creative solutions.

No home at the end of the Road? A survey of single women over 40 years of age who do not believe they will own their housing outright at retirement

Single, older women in Australia have emerged as a group vulnerable to housing insecurity and as being in danger of homelessness in their old age.

Aging in Place: A State Survey of Livability Policies and Practices

This US research builds upon earlier work to offer state legislators and officials concrete examples of state laws, policies and programs that foster aging in place.

Housing an Ageing Population: The Extra Care Solution

The aim of this UK report is to contribute to the debate on the future of extra care housing and add to the recent publications by HAPPI (2010) and the National Housing Federation (2011). There is already a wealth of material on existing types of extra care provision. The external environment is, however, changing.

Breaking the Mould: Re-visioning older people’s housing

This UK report describes a number of the business opportunities that an ageing population brings.

Housing costs and living standards among the elderly

How do the living standards of older Australians compare with those of the overall population? How much variation in living standards is there across the elderly population and how have their living standards changed over time? Home ownership has been identified as an important aspect of the retirement support package in Australia.

The Long-Term care System for the Elderly in Italy

In Italy, social care and integrated social–health care services are assuming an increasingly prominent role, owing to the growth in demand for long-term care caused by the rapid ageing of the Italian population; changes in the family structure; and other socio-economic changes, notably the increase in women’s labour participation.

Routes out of Poverty and Isolation for Older Homeless People: Possible Models from Poland and the UK

Policies in many EU countries have sought to address the link between worklessness, reliance on state benefits and the attendant poverty that they inevitably bring. However, the focus has tended to be on the acquisition of skills and education amongst younger people.
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