Gerontological Society of America
Neighbourhood Support and Aging-in-Place Preference Among Low-Income Elderly Chinese City-Dwellers
Aging-in-place (AIP) refers to “the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level” ( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014 ). Promoting AIP is a policy objective for both developed and developing countries ( World Health Organization, 2007 ).
Aging in The Netherlands: State of the Art and Science
The population of the Netherlands is aging, although it is still relatively young in comparison with the population of most other European countries. As Dutch society transitions from a welfare state to a society based more on individual responsibility, the increasingly well-educated and financially well-off elderly people wish to exert more control over their own lives.
The 'Village' Model: A Consumer-Driven Approach for Aging in Place
This study examines the characteristics of the “Village” model, an innovative consumer-driven approach that aims to promote aging in place through a combination of member supports, service referrals, and consumer engagement.
The Meaning of 'Ageing in Place' to Older People
This study illuminates the concept of “aging in place” in terms of functional, symbolic, and emotional attachments and meanings of homes, neighbourhoods, and communities. It investigates how older people understand the meaning of “aging in place,” a term widely used in aging policy and research but underexplored with older people themselves.
Intergenerational Coresidence of Older Adults in Japan: Conditions for Cultural Plasticity
This study investigated individual-level conditions and prefecture-level contextual factors that enable and/or restrict intergenerational coresidence arrangements between older parents and adult children.
Whereas the traditional pattern of coresidence was primarily a value-driven arrangement, nontraditional coresidence was both a value-driven and a need-driven arrangement for older parents with l
The causes of homelessness in later life: Findings from a 3-nation study
Homelessness is an intractable problem in many
affluent countries and affects people of all ages, although
much research and service provision have concentrated on
young adults.
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