Research Paper

Mutual Appreciation: A Social Innovation Think Piece

A triple threat is looming in relation to ageing in Australia, one with particular implications for women. While access to secure and affordable housing can mean the difference between poverty and a decent life in older age, full home ownership in Australia is increasingly a privilege. As we age, housing takes on particular significance.

The Inequality of Aging in Place

Research shows that most people prefer to age in place—remaining at home, near family, and in their community as they get older. But not all places are equal, and harmful neighborhood conditions can lead to poorer health outcomes and reduced life expectancy.

Vulnerable Private Renters: Evidence and Options

Australia’s private rental market has worked well for most people, most of the time. However, this masks a deterioration in overall housing affordability for vulnerable renters. With vulnerable renters — those who are experiencing social and economic disadvantage — the story is more nuanced.

An effective homelessness services system for older Australians

This research is part of a wider AHURI Inquiry into an effective homelessness service system and this project is focussed on the following questions: • What is the appropriate balance between early intervention, prevention and crisis services for older homeless people, and between specialist and mainstream services, in order to provide the most efficient and effective response to this group’s need

Evaluation of an Age-Friendly City and Its Effect on Life Satisfaction: A Two-Stage Study

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has established the Age-Friendly Cities and Communities initiative, which promotes active ageing by optimising health, participation and safety opportunities in order to improve people’s quality of life as they age. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in developing a new agenda for the age-friendly cities movement, increasing the number of review

Co-living for older people – stakeholder views

New models of co-living for older people have recently emerged in the UK, echoing a growing interest in alternative housing solutions. The aim of this project was to understand the risks and benefits of these housing models and their potential for wider use to support older people.

Exploring the nexus of energy use, ageing, and health and well-being among older Australians

Researchers have argued that our understandings of energy efficiency should be re-defined to move beyond a concept singularly concerned with saving and cutting back on energy use, to one that acknowledges health, well-being and comfort. An ageing population has significant implications for energy policy, programs and advocacy in Australia.

Home truths - Housing options and advice for people in later life: Learning from communities in Leeds

A person’s home is more than the building alone. Being connected to others is fundamental to a happy life at any age, and the environment around our homes must enable all generations to feel a sense of belonging to their local communities and to remain active and connected to others.

Housing plans of the oldest: ageing in semi-rural areas in Sweden

Due to the out migration of the young from rural areas and increased life expectancy of the old, the population of these areas in particular is ageing.
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