Research Paper
My Home My Place: Housing Needs of Older People Living in a Rural Community
The My Home, My Place project is a step towards understanding and addressing the housing needs of older people in rural areas, and a useful resource for anyone involved or interested in social or community housing for senior people.
Guiding the design and delivery of this project were key objectives:
- to identify good practice in the provision of housing for older people living in a rural and re
Home truths: Housing options and advice for people in later life: Learning from communities in Leeds
This report demonstrates the need for understanding the local context and speaking to local communities when developing information and advice services.
More than 90% of older people live in mainstream housing and intend to stay there. Yet, Britain has the oldest housing stock in Europe.
Service provision for older homeless people with memory problems: a mixed-methods study
Objectives and study design:
This 24-month UK study was designed to
(1) determine the prevalence of memory problems among hostel-dwelling homeless older people and the extent to which staff are aware of these problems;
(2) identify help and support received, current care and support pathways;
(3) explore quality of life among older homeless people with memory problems;
(4) investigate service
The Renters Journey
Report following the rental experiences of four key groups of renters: women aged 55 and over, low income families, newly arrived migrants and young renters. Journey mapping with four key groups of renters, exploring common and unique experiences and pain points.
Dignity and choice: An inclusive future for our ageing population
Around the world, advanced economies are grappling with the challenges of an ageing population. Despite this, city shaping decisions are often made without sufficient consideration of how cities will change over the coming decades.
Vital Conversations - Giving Older Women in Greater Melbourne a Voice
The findings of the Greater Melbourne Vital Signs 2017 indicated that older women were facing challenges and, in some cases, extreme disadvantage across diverse aspects of their lives.
Dignity and choice An inclusive future for our ageing population
The ageing of our population presents a fundamental challenge for how cities are able to function. This report provides a series of policy proposals to achieve a more inclusive and liveable city.
The Emerging Crisis of Aged Homelessness: Could Housing Solutions Be Funded by Avoidance of Excess Shelter, Hospital, and Nursing Home Costs?
This report summarizes a multi-site study in three localities – Boston, New York City, and Los Angeles County – of the anticipated future of the aged homeless population, its likely impacts on health and shelter systems and resulting costs, and the potential for housing solutions.
Specifically, this report summarizes the following analyses:
- Forecasts of the size of the aged homeless population
Housing America's Older Adults 2019
Within the US, the 65+ age group, most recent income gains have gone to the highest earners, and the number of households with housing cost burdens has reached an all-time high.
Ageing in Suburban Neighbourhoods: Planning, Densities and Place Assessment
The article examines the environmental qualities perceived by ageing populations in suburban low-density and car-oriented
neighbourhoods in comparison to more dense and central areas. The study focuses on Nicosia, Cyprus, a city that suffers from extended sprawl and car dependency in almost every urban district.
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