Research Paper

Housing needs of asset-poor older Australians: other countries’ policy initiatives and their implications for Australia

This project aims to explore how the asset-poor status of older Australians helps to determine their demand for housing assistance, the coping strategies used by the asset-poor as they strive to secure satisfactory housing outcomes and the importance of these outcomes to ontological security.

Housing and Health in Older People: Ageing in Place

In this paper we briefly review the demography and housing patterns of older people in New Zealand. We describe the impact of New Zealand’s climate and housing construction on health, before reviewing some significant health problems exacerbated by the indoor environment: respiratory conditions, coronary disease and hypothermia.

Demographics of homelessness series: The rising elderly population

This paper provides an assessment of the recent and projected changes in homelessness among the elderly and assesses the ability of public affordable housing programs to handle the projected growth in elderly persons at-risk of housing instability and homelessness.

Institutions and Social Change: implementing co-operative housing and environmentally sustainable development at Christie Walk

It is evident that both the old laissez-faire approach and the more recent neo-conservative reliance on the market have failed to deliver housing for many people in Australia. The state-based welfare housing model espoused by the Australian Labor Party over the twentieth century has also been beset by problems.

Shelter-based convalescence for homeless adults in Amsterdam: a descriptive study

Adequate support for homeless populations includes shelter and care to recuperate from illness. This is a descriptive analysis of diagnoses and use of shelter-based convalescence in a cohort of homeless adults in Amsterdam. Over the last decades, shelter-based convalescence care programs increasingly emerged in the western world.

Apartments for Life in Australia Lessons for Australia from Humanitas in the Netherlands

The Humanitas Foundation in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, has attracted international renown because of its achievements in developing the innovative Apartments for Life model of housing and care for older people. Under the leadership of Dr Hans Becker, Chair of the Humanitas Foundation, the rst Apartments for Life complex opened in the mid 1990s.

Our Homes, Our Communities: The Aspirations and Expectations of Older People in South Australia

This report brings together the outcomes of a comprehensive program of research into the housing needs and aspirations of older South Australians. This work extended over the period 2006 to 2008 and represents the most comprehensive analysis of the housing desires and conditions of older South Australians currently available.

Housing insecurity and precarious living: an Australian exploration

In this report, we focus on one aspect of housing, which we term ‘housing insecurity’, and the way in which this interacts with other types of insecurities to constitute ‘precarious living’.

The implications of loss of a partner for older private renters

The project aims to examine the effects of divorce, separation or bereavement on the housing & related financial circumstances of people aged 50+ in different housing tenures, in particular, those on income support programmes.

Comparing the Life Circumstances of Older Public Housing Tenants to Older Private Renters in Sydney

Due to a virtual freeze on the building of new public housing and a decline in housing affordability, an ever-increasing number of older Australians are dependent on the private rental market for their accommodation. Using in-depth interviews, the situations of older renters in Sydney, in public housing and private rented accommodation who are dependent mainly on the age pension are compared.
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