Research Paper

Ageing in Place in the United Kingdom

Ageing in Place is a key component of UK policy on older people and housing.

Where will we live when we get older?

Ageing populations, although exh ibiting marked differences acro ss countries and cultures, are a global phenomenon. Old‐age dependency r atios in most developed countri es are projected to double by the year 2050. In Australia there will be a strain on economic growth as a large part of the population moves from pre‐retirement to post‐retirement age over the next 25 years.

Housing insecurity and precarious living: an Australian exploration

An emerging body of international research suggests that housing is associated with many aspects of social and economic life, including personal and family wellbeing, mental and physical health, economic participation, social connectedness, community functioning, sustainable cities and social cohesion.

Housing assets and the socio-economic determinants of health and disability in old age

The influence of socio-economic determinants among the elderly is a complex subject. Although they rely on pension income, the wealth that they have accumulated over their lifetime (primarily housing assets), jointly with housing-related determinants, could have a more significant effect on health production.

Housing insecurity and precarious living: an Australian exploration

In this report, we focus on one aspect of housing, which we term ‘housing insecurity’, and the way in which this interacts with other types of insecurities to constitute ‘precarious living’.

The implications of loss of a partner for older private renters

The project aims to examine the effects of divorce, separation or bereavement on the housing & related financial circumstances of people aged 50+ in different housing tenures, in particular, those on income support programmes.

Comparing the Life Circumstances of Older Public Housing Tenants to Older Private Renters in Sydney

Due to a virtual freeze on the building of new public housing and a decline in housing affordability, an ever-increasing number of older Australians are dependent on the private rental market for their accommodation. Using in-depth interviews, the situations of older renters in Sydney, in public housing and private rented accommodation who are dependent mainly on the age pension are compared.

Rental housing provision for lower- income older Australians

A new policy approach is required to meet the anticipated increase in demand for affordable rental housing for lower-income older Australians during the next two decades. A projected increase of 115% from 2001-2026 in the number of lower-income people aged 65 and over living in rental households far exceeds the supply capacity of the social housing system.

The consequences of divorce for financial living standards in later life

As the first generation that experienced high rates of divorce reaches retirement age, the number of older Australians who have experienced divorce at some point in their lives will increase dramatically in coming decades.

The Role of Supportive Housing for Low-Income Seniors in Ontario

Low-income seniors’ ability to age at home, with supports available to accommodate their changing needs, is an issue of critical importance to all Canadians. This research investigates housing and care options for low-income seniors in Ontario, a population at higher risk of poor health outcomes as they age.
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