Research Paper
Housing in Denmark
The Danish housing stock has improved considerably over the past fifty years or so and, on average, Danes have good dwellings with ample space. This book looks at the evolution of various housing types and their residents in the period from the end of World War 2 to the present time, broken down by ownership type and physical design.
Resettling Older Homeless People: a longitudinal study of outcomes
This report describes the findings of a longitudinal study of the resettlement of 64 older homeless people in London, Leeds and Sheffield. The study examined their progress for two years after they were rehoused. The field-work commenced in July 1997, and it continued until August 2001 when the last subject had been rehoused for 24 months.
The Needs and Resources of Older People
This quantitative report uses existing data to examine the needs of people over 65, including expenditure, health, social networks, housing and neighbourhoods and income.
It investigates how patterns of resource use change over time, both for individual older people as they move through later life and for different generations of older people.
Rental housing provision for lower- income older Australians
A new policy approach is required to meet the anticipated increase in demand for affordable rental housing for lower-income older Australians during the next two decades. A projected increase of 115% from 2001-2026 in the number of lower-income people aged 65 and over living in rental households far exceeds the supply capacity of the social housing system.
The consequences of divorce for financial living standards in later life
As the first generation that experienced high rates of divorce reaches retirement age, the number of older Australians who have experienced divorce at some point in their lives will increase dramatically in coming decades.
The Role of Supportive Housing for Low-Income Seniors in Ontario
Low-income seniors’ ability to age at home, with supports available to accommodate their changing needs, is an issue of critical importance to all Canadians. This research investigates housing and care options for low-income seniors in Ontario, a population at higher risk of poor health outcomes as they age.
The World Health Organization Age-Friendly Cities Project in Portland, Oregon, USA
In 2006, researchers at the Institute on Aging in the School of Community Health at Portland State University were invited to collaborate with the World Health Organization on its “Age-Friendly Cities Project.” This project was designed to identify indicators of an age-friendly city based on the views of older adults, informal caregivers, and service providers.
Housing and Social Policy in Malaysia: Provision for the Elderly
Malaysia was categorized as an ageing nation when the elderly population reached 7.2% (1.8 million) by 2005. In a society where aging is progressing, and where even among elderly people there is an increasingly larger class of older senior citizens, the increasing number of elderly people requiring appropriate housing and personal care will be an even greater issue of importance.
Ageing and its Implications for Housing and Urban Development: South Australia
The aim of this paper is to examine the consequences of ageing on urban development and housing in South Australia. The research found that current and future housing requirements of older South Australians, varies within and between some groups/cohorts and this differentiation was clearly related to where people live, their age, socio-economic status and the assets they hold.
The Role and Future Development of Supportive Housing for Older People in Ireland
The standard and suitability of older people’s accommodation is vital to their health and quality of life and a key factor in their capacity to take care of themselves or to be cared for should they become dependent.
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