Research Paper

Housing Models for an Ageing Population

This report outlines the implications of an ageing population in the City of Onkaparinga for housing demand.

Securing Good Care for Older People - Taking a Long-Term View

How much will it cost to provide social care for older people in England in 20 years time? What funding arrangements should be in place to ensure this money is available and supports the high-quality outcomes sought? Particularly now that the ‘baby-boomer’ generation is moving towards retirement, these questions pose serious challenges.

Housing Options for Older People

The homes currently being planned and built will contribute to the housing stock in 20 years time. Yet the demands of an ageing society often come low on the list of current strategic priorities. Recent UK government-backed programmes for new affordable housing do not specifically promote houses for older people.

On the Move: A longitudinal study of pathways in and out of homelessness

This research asks: ‘Is there a connection between how people become homeless, how long they remain homeless and how they ‘get out’ of homelessness?’ A review of the literature identified two gaps directly relevant to the issue of movement in and out of homelessness. First, why people experience homelessness for different lengths of time when they face similar structural conditions.

Homelessness and Older Women in Australia

This report investigates the leading causes of homelessness among women, particularly those forty five and over. It examines the pathways in to and out of homelessness for older women and a large amount of documentation on this issue.

The causes of homelessness in later life: Findings from a 3-nation study

Homelessness is an intractable problem in many affluent countries and affects people of all ages, although much research and service provision have concentrated on young adults.

An Overlooked Option in Caring for the Elderly: A report on sheltered and group housing provided by housing associations in Ireland

It is generally recognised that housing and care options for the elderly in Ireland are limited. This study comprises analysis of both group housing schemes for relatively active elderly as well as sheltered housing for those older people who require more intensive care and supports to assist them to live independently.

Homelessness among older people: A comparative study in three countries of prevention and alleviation

This report describes the genesis, design and preliminary findings of a study of the causes of homelessness among newly-homeless older people in England, Australia and the USA. The report concentrates on the Australian findings.

Health promotion for socially disadvantaged groups: The case of homeless older men in Australia

There is extensive evidence that health promotion routinely benefits those who are already most socioeconomically advantaged. While the government's healthy ageing policy recognizes that improving health outcomes will require a range of strategies involving different target groups, recommendations focus on the issues and needs of the comfortable majority.
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