Independent Living Units
Independent Living Units: Underfunded and Misunderstood
Australia has an aging population with diverse backgrounds and
experiences; 37 per cent of older Australians were born overseas.
Historical and contemporary privileges and disadvantages have
impacted different Australians’ ability to gain and maintain employment, accrue savings, build financial literacy, contribute to superannuation, own property and prepare for a secure,
enjoyable retirement in l
Out of the frying pan into the fire: The experiences of Housing for the Aged Action Group clients referred to Independent Living Units
Outlines the experiences of clients seeking an Independent Living Unit (ILU), the experiences of clients with their housing since seeking retirement advice, and their perceptions of HAAG’s services.
Sheffield Older People’s Independent Living (OPIL) Housing Strategy 2017-2021
This strategy sets out how we plan to meet the housing needs and aspirations of Sheffield’s increasingly diverse and growing older population.
National Survey of Providers of Independent Living Units (ILUs) for people with relatively low incomes and low assets
According to the National Housing Supply Council, the demand from older-person households for private rental housing and social housing is estimated to grow 120% between 2008 and 2028 (from 146,200 to 321,400 for private rental housing and from 86,500 to 189,800 for social housing).A significant proportion of these households are living in housing that is not affordable.
Service integrated housing for Australians in later life
The aim of the study is to analyse the diversity and types of service integrated housing that have been developed in Australia, and to consider the policy and research implications. It includes examination of the implications of international experience with service integrated housing for Australia.
Apartments for Life in Australia Lessons for Australia from Humanitas in the Netherlands
The Humanitas Foundation in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, has attracted international renown because of its achievements in developing the innovative Apartments for Life model of housing and care for older people. Under the leadership of Dr Hans Becker, Chair of the Humanitas Foundation, the rst Apartments for Life complex opened in the mid 1990s.
The Future of Aged Persons Housing: What role for Independent Living Units?
There is an emerging crisis within housing for older persons in Australia. This paper focuses particularly on the role of independent living units in the future of aged housing.
Independent Living Units: The Forgotten Social Housing Sector
Public and community housing are well documented as housing options for older people with relatively low value assets and low incomes. However, other not-for-profit (NFP) organisations also provide housing for this group.